Smart Quiz Builder

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions

What types of quizzes does SQB support?

SQB supports personality quizzes, assessments, scoring quizzes, surveys and calculators. Polls will be available in 2-3 months.

Can I use SQB on a non-WordPress Site?

Question: Can I embed quizzes in web building solutions that are non-WordPress? 

Answer:   Yes, you can! SQB is a plugin for WordPress. So you do need to create your quizzes on a WordPress site. However, SQB's embed code feature will allow you to publish SQB quizzes anywhere - even on a non-WordPress site! 

What Question Types does SQB support?

Question: What types of questions does SQB support?

Answer:  Currently SQB supports these question types:

Single choice, multiple choice, open text, fill-in-the-blank, rating scale, yes/no, true/false, slider, file upload, matrix-style questions. More question types coming soon (dropdown, match answers, order answer choices based on preference)

What External Platforms does SQB integrate with?

SQB integrates with:

AWeber, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, Drip, GetResponse, MailChimp, MailerLite, MailPoet, Mautic, SendInBlue, FluentCRM, Zapier, PabblyConnect and Integrately.

More integrations coming soon:
Encharge, Klaviyo, Sendfox, Sendy, etc.

You can integrate SQB with external platforms (such as Mautic) using a simple HTML-form based integration! 

Want to integrate with a platform not on this list? Please send us a message through the contact us form or open a ticket and we'll add it to our to do list.

Can I setup Quiz Categories?

Question:  Can I set up categories within the quiz? For example someone scores 10 in category 1 and scores 20 in category2? Then the outcomes are shown for both categories. 

Answer:  Support for category level scores and the ability to display scores /  correct answers in different categories (in the final outcome screen and reports page) will be available on 8/28/21. 

Can I create a Product / Course Recommendation Engine using SQB?

Question: Can I use SQB to recommend a specific product through a series of questions?

Answer: Certainly! I use it on my site to recommend the right license to our users based on their answers. You can use a personality quiz where each answer is connected to one or more outcomes. When users pick an answer choice, the connected outcomes get a point, and at the end, whichever outcome gets the most points, is the right outcome type for that user. And user is sent to a screen where you can recommend the right product to them.

Can I set a Countdown Timer for my Quiz?

Question: Can I set a countdown timer for those who are taking the quiz? 

Answer:  Yes, you can use SQB to set a countdown timer for your quiz. All the settings are fully customizable.

Does SQB send TAGS to the integrated platforms?

Question: Does SQB support outcome-level tags and does it send it to the connected email platform?

Answer: Yes, you can assign different tags based on outcome. SQB will send it to the connected email (or marketing automation) platform.

Redirect to different pages based on outcome

Question: Can I redirect users to different outcome pages based on their outcome (instead of using SQB's built-in outcome screen)? 

Answer:  Yes, you can! After users answer questions and opt-in (optional), you can do one of the following:

1. Send quiz takers to an outcome screen created in SQB. You can create different outcome screens for different results in SQB.

2. Redirect to a completely different page based on outcome. You can enter the URL of the page to which you want to redirect for each outcome.

For e.g.
If they get outcome 1, you can redirect them to page 1.
If they get outcome 2, you can redirect them to page 2.

You can configure the URL of the page (to which you want to redirect) in SQB. 

Does SQB have a Branching Logic builder?

Question: Does SQB have a conditional / branching logic funnel builder?

Answer: Yes, SQB comes with a visual branching logic builder. You can add smart branching logic where answers dictate the next question. The path a user takes depends on their answers. Everyone will not see the same questions.

Is there a max limit on quizzes, surveys that can be created?

Question: What is the maximum number of quizzes, surveys that a client can generate within own account?

Answer: No limits! You can generate any number of quizzes / surveys.

Does SQB  support mobile-specific controls?

Yes, SQB comes with a full-fledged, advanced mobile-view customizer! You can fully customize the style of your quizzes for mobile. You can customize your quiz for desktop-view and mobile-view differently!