AI-Powered Quiz & Survey Plugin!

deliver the right message to the right person at the right time

A Tour of Smart quiz builder!

Create all types of quizzes!

Personality Quizzes

Create personality quizzes like the ones you see on Facebook and Buzzfeed. 

SQB comes with multiple visually appealing templates that will help you create entertaining and share-worthy personality quizzes!

Assessment Quizzes

SQB supports different types of assessment quizzes - multiple choice, yes/no and true/false answers.

SQB supports both image/text questions, and image/text answers! Outcome is based on the total number of correct answers. 

Create all types of Quizzes - Personality, Scoring, Assessments, Surveys, Polls, Calculators and Forms

Scoring Quiz

In this type of quiz, the result is based on the total number of points

You can use scored quizzes to test someone’s knowledge of a topic. You can set up point values for each answer choice. The outcome is based on total number of points scored.


Create surveys that will give you access to a wide variety of feedback whether it's customer feedback survey or new user feedback. Enable multiple choice, true/false, yes/no and fill-in-the-blank answers. You can also enable open answers where quiz takers can enter any answer they want in text fields. 

"the best quiz plugin for WordPress" - Chris Lema

SQB is so simple you might forget that you're creating logic.

SmartQuizBuilder is easy, visual and engaging! And it produces a way to generate leads! I don't think it can get better than this!

Chris Lema  - A well-known blogger and public speaker, VP of Product at Liquid Web

Automated / Customized PDF Reports

The only quiz plugin that can automatically generate a PDF report and allow quiz takers to download it!

You can get SQB to generate a fully personalized and customized PDF report for your quiz takers based on their outcome!

The best part?

It's all automated!

You can't do this with other quiz platforms!

AI-Powered Quiz Builder

  Introducing our brand new AI-Powered Quiz Add-On for Smart Quiz Builder that will completely blow your mind!

From idea to a fully built out quiz, our new AI add-on will help you build out quizzes in 2 minutes!

Just enter the quiz topic and watch Smart Quiz Builder go to work!

It'll use the AI add-on to build out the ENTIRE quiz for YOU. 

Personality Quizzes

Give it the topic name. SQB will suggest title ideas. Pick a title. And SQB will automatically build out the quiz for you! The answers will be automatically mapped to the right outcomes. 

Scoring Quizzes

Give it the topic name. SQB will suggest title ideas. Pick a title. And SQB will automatically build out the quiz for you! The correct answers will be automatically mapped to the right outcomes. 

Any Language

You can create your quiz in any language. Select the language and the new add-on will create your entire quiz - questions, answers, outcomes, etc. in that language.

Interactive Video Quizzes

Generate High Quality Warm Leads through Interactive Video Quizzes

Whether you are looking to add leads or convert prospects into customers, this video-based quiz will help you get it done! Create a more personalized experience for your leads.

Smart Quiz Builder supports Interactive Video Quiz and Survey Funnels!

It's incredible! Truly a game changer when it comes to generating high quality leads and conversions!

We use it on our site and the results are mind blowing!

Award Quiz Completion Certificates

Quiz Certificates

Create, customize and award certificates when students complete your quiz! You can display name, quiz title, score, outcome, date, signature and other details! You can also award certificates based on specific score, range or outcome type.

Grow you Leads and Sales with Quiz Funnels

I recently switched from 1.0 to Smart Quiz Builder and wow, what a difference! 

I recently switched from 1.0 to Smart Quiz Builder and wow, what a difference! Putting the quiz together was so much more intuitive. And then there's the price. Going from $99 a month to $69 one time is a game changer. I also like that its integrated into my website. It feels more like built in software for my company rather than a third party. This is a no brainer in my opinion.

Ryan Pollreisz

Beautiful Templates that will Impress your Prospects

Stunning templates that will allow you to create quizzes that stand out!
✔️Beautiful Design
✔️Easy To Use & Fully Customizable
✔️Mobile Friendly
✔️ Keep visitors on your site longer
✔️ Increase Engagement and Quiz Completion Rate
✔️ Increase your Conversions

Quiz Funnel Builder

SQB's visual funnel builder will allow you to create smart quiz and survey funnels (with branching logic) where the next question that's shown to the participants depends on their answer to the previous one PLUS you can create beautiful quizzes and surveys using SQB's eye-catching templates that will allow your quiz to stand out! 

Lead Magnet Quiz

Lead magnet quizzes have an average opt-in rate of 50%!  In a traditional lead magnet, you ask for contact info first and everyone gets access to the same static content. 

SQB will allow you to create lead magnet quizzes where you can ask a series of questions to learn more about your prospects. Your prospects need to opt-in to get their results. You can fully customize your opt-in form.


You can segment your leads based on the quiz results. You can assign different tags based on the outcome and send the tag to your email platform.  

The offer you present at the end of your quiz is based on the answers, and as a result it'll be a more relevant offer for them. 

Personalize your Quiz

When your participants start the quiz, you can configure Smart Quiz Builder to ask for their first name first. And use it to personalize some or all of the questions. 

For e.g, “Joe, are you new to membership sites?”, will work way better than a generic “Pick one of the options below”.

A little personal touch can make a huge difference.

Smart Branching Logic

SQB's comes with a visual branching logic builder. It'll allow you to setup a branching quiz where you can connect answers to different questions. 

The questions presented to quiz takers depends on the answers they pick.

Email Platform Integration

SQB integrates with all leading email marketing platforms such as AWeber, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, Drip, SendInBlue, MailChimp etc. SQB also supports "HTML-form" based integration and "Webhook" notification. You'll find all current integrations in our features page and upcoming ones on our roadmap page.

You can set up marketing automations by connecting SQB with Zapier. SQB also supports Webhook notification. You can have SQB send the lead information and quiz results to your own script.

Google Sheets Integration

Smart Quiz Builder is probably the only quiz / survey plugin that supports DIRECT Google Sheets Integration!

You won't need an external platform such as Zapier to add quiz results, user details, etc. to your sheet. You can directly integrate your quiz in SQB with your sheets. 

Student-Facing Dashboard

Student Dashboard

 You can not only create beautiful student-facing dashboard (see image) where your students will find all the quizzes they have completed, check results, etc., you can also showcases quizzes they have not signed up for yet. 

"Smart Quiz Builder allowed us to create a high-quality and professional-looking quiz" - Sujay Pawar

"Smart Quiz Builder allowed us to create a high-quality and professional-looking quiz!

The ease of use was very impressive and the outcomes of the quiz worked perfectly. The ability to customize the design of the quiz to suit our branding was a great bonus as well.

SQB is highly recommended!

Sujay Pawar (Brainstorm Force / WP Astra CEO)

Capture Feedback with Interactive Polls

You can get SQB to create interactive polls that look great and will help you boost engagement, collect insights, gather leads and get instant feedback!

You can set poll start/end date, prevent repeat voting, allow users to change vote, display charts, view submissions, allow users to see results and total votes, use image answers, get users to opt-in (optional), create beautiful polls using SQB's customizable templates, and so much more!

Quiz Analytics: You Can Track Everything!

Malane Høyer

SQB has SO many features and options!  I gave up on using the Thrive Quiz plugin... it was just too restrictive!

Smart Quiz Builder (SQB) has so many features and options. It is incredible what it can do. I gave up on using the Thrive Quiz plugin... it was just too restrictive. I'm using SQB for the initial questionnaires after people buy the program and also as a lead magnet. I often say to Liam how lucky we are to have found you!

Lead Data

SQB stores lead data. You'll find contact info, quiz results, answers, tags, quiz retake details etc. SQB also sends this data to the connected email platform (optional). 

You can view/manage lead details in the SQB >> Manage Leads page.

Track Key Quiz Stats

Track the performance of your quizzes. 
Page Views: total page visits
Clicks: how many clicked on the 'take this quiz' button.
Completed: how many answered all questions.
Opted-in: how many opted-in.
Reached Outcome: how many saw the results screen.

Question / Answer Data

SQB tracks how many times each question was answered, and how many times each answer choice was picked. This report is broken down by quiz, and question/answers under each quiz. 

This data will help you learn more about your target audience as you can see what outcome was displayed the most, what answer choice was picked the most, etc.

Analyze / Search

Analyze quiz/survey results quickly and easily with the click of a few buttons!

  • Find all responses
  • Find all responses to a specific question
  • Find all users that picked a specific response to one of your quiz questions
  • Find all users that scored over X in your scoring quiz
  • Find all users that scored over Y in a specific category of your scoring quiz
  • Find all users that got a specific number of correct answers in your assessment quiz
  • Find all users that got a specific tag.

Pre-built Templates & Advanced Customizer

Advanced Customizer

SQB comes with an advanced customizer. Everything that your users see in the frontend, is fully customizable in the backend. Add in your custom branding, style and make it your own.

SQB will give you a shortcode for your quiz. You can publish it on any WordPress page.

Popover Quiz & Surveys

You can also display your quiz in a small widget that pops out from the bottom right corner of the page. You can configure frequency and time delay. Delayed popups are shown after visitors spend a certain amount of time on your page

Conversational Templates

SQB comes with several templates. Each template is fully customizable. This is an example of a quiz created using SQB's full width template.

Pre-Built Quizzes

SQB comes with pre-built quizzes, surveys and calculators. You don't have to create your quiz from scratch. Just pick a pre-built template, and edit the content. 

Preview your Quiz

You can preview your quiz as your build it. You can preview it after each step. No need to publish the quiz to test it.

Questions & Outcomes

Daisy Peel

HOLY COW! Smart Quiz Builder is so EASY to set up!!! Another winner!

Weighted Questions!

You can even assign negative points to your answers in a scoring quiz! SQB will automatically add up the points based on the selected answer choices and map to the right outcome based on the score. You can send users to different outcome screen based on the scoring range.
Demo here.

Question Types

SQB support many different types of questions. 

Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Open-Ended Text, Yes/No, True/False, File Upload, Fill-in-the-blank, Rating Scale, Ranking/Choice, Matrix- style, Slider, etc.

Different Results based on Answers

The outcome screen can be customized with it's own image and content. You can add personalized content that speaks to your audience based on the outcome.

You can add a call to action button on each outcome screen and link it to any page where you can offer a more detailed, personalized solution. Each quiz result screen also gets it's own social share buttons to allow participants to share their results.

Outcome Redirect

You can configure SQB to skip the results screen and instead directly redirect participants to any page you want.

You can set different redirects for different outcomes.

Preparing Report Screen

You can get SQB to display this fully customizable screen between the opt-in and the outcome screen just to make the 'report preparation' process sound a lot more important and cool, while you get SQB to deliver the already prepared and ready report! All the options are configurable.

Display Ads between Questions

or After Specific Answers

You can display ads between questions. You can do this for some or all of the questions. The ad will be shown after users pick an answer and before the next question is displayed.

You can use this screen to display a special offer, coupon, product recommendations or just additional details about the question. The contents of the ad screen can be fully customized in the backend.

Just like question ads, you can also configure SQB to display ads after a specific answer choice. You can use this to display additional info about selected answer, recommended resources based on answer or just an ad about a special offer.

Dr Molly Martin

SmartQuizBuider has been a game-changer!

Hey Veena, SmartQuizBuider has been a game-changer. I love seeing "someone took the quiz" followed by sales notifications! Using a personality quiz to direct people to the right membership is helping me boosts sales, and also provides me with useful information about my members.  

And your "Let's build an online course" at is teaching me how to take maximum advantage of your membership plugins! Thank you!

Interactive Content is the King


People want to interact and actively engage with the brand, products and services before making a purchase.

If you want to better engage with your audience, bring your static content to life with interactive elements. You can add quizzes, surveys, assessments and calculators to your site to interact with your prospects! 

You can use SQB to create different types of calculators (ROI, Pricing, Growth, etc.).

Publish on non-WordPress Sites!

  • SQB will give you a shortcode and embed code for each quiz. You can use the embed code on any site - even a non-WordPress site.
  • You can publish your quiz (shortcode) on ANY WordPress page.
  • SQB supports both image/text questions, and image/text answers!
  • You can add different types of animation transition effect between questions in an attempt to keep the audience visually interested.

Social Share, Facebook Pixel Tracking

Share Results on Social

According to stats, quizzes are the most shared content on Facebook. People love to show off their quiz results on social media. It gets their friends and followers excited. And then they do the same.  

SQB comes with support for both Facebook and Twitter share button on the results screen. Your participants can share their quiz result and what gets shared is fully customizable.

Track Conversions With Built-In Facebook Pixel Tracking Integration!

SQB can be configured to track the following events when you add the Facebook pixel to your quiz.

  • Page View
  • Landing CTA Clicked
  • Lead Form Submitted
  • Result CTA Clicked
  • Custom Tracking (viewed question, selected an answer)

Dr Molly Martin

SQB is so slick! It is simply amazing. Way to go! This is a game-changer! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Veena! I just added my first SQB quiz to one of my courses and I can not believe how easy it is and how great it works! It automatically added the quiz to the lesson page right above the "mark as complete" button. I love the fact that upon completion, the student receives a report of their results and that they are either allowed to go to the next lesson if they pass or retake the quiz again if they did not. I also love that the questions and answers are automatically randomized.

This is so slick! It is simply amazing. Way to go! This is a game-changer! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Simple, Easy, Advanced, Customizable & Powerful

Smart Quiz Builder is just Different!

Are you ready to double your leads and grow your sales?

 Join 7,000+ Customers

150 5-Star Reviews from Happy Customers!


Normally $89/year

1-site license

  • Annual Payment. Renews at $69/year
  • 1-site License
  • All Features Included.
  • Upgraded and Support Included.


Normally $99/year

AI-Powered Quiz Add-on Included

2-site license

  • Annual Payment. Renews at $79/year
  • 2-site License
  • All Features Included.
  • Upgraded and Support Included.
  • AI-Powered Quiz Add-on is included.

$499  (one-time)

Normally $699

10-Site Lifetime License

  • One-time Payment. No subscription.
  • 10-site License
  • All Features Included.
  • Lifetime Support + Upgrades.

* This is NOT an agency license.

* SQB 5-site is FREE with (DAP) Elite Membership

* Plugin updates and support are included as long as you have an active plan. The annual plan will automatically renew unless cancelled. Cancel at anytime.

* AI-Powered Quiz Add-on is FREE with the "2-Site" and 5-Site" License. If you plan on signing up for a different license, you can signup for AI features here.

money back


30 day guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee for 30-Days

Purchase With Confidence...It's Risk Free!

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing plugin, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

SmartQuizBuilder is just different...

Hi there! My name is Veena Prashanth. I'm the co-founder / co-developer of (DAP) - a Popular Membership Plugin for WordPress, and the founder / developer of Smart Quiz Builder.

Smart Quiz Builder (SQB) is the Most Powerful, Easy-to-Use and Customizable Quiz plugin for WordPress. SQB is packed with features designed to help you grow your leads and generate more sales. Other comparable platforms charge anywhere from $39 - $99 /month for these features. As you can see from the features on this page, Smart Quiz Builder does a LOT more, at a fraction of the price! No subscription. Just a one-time fee.

You can use SQB-powered quizzes to understand the challenges of your audience, find out where they’re at in their journey, use their answers to assign the right tags, add to the right follow-up sequence, and send them to a customized and personalized offer page that addresses their specific challenges! 

I'm sure you'll LOVE this plugin - both the backend and the beautiful, captivating frontend interfaces that will help you generate a LOT more high quality leads for your business than ever before!