A sales funnel is a static funnel!
All of your prospects are sent down the same path and see the same offer. You don't know who they are and what their specific challenges are. You can't take into account their responses to different questions and create a customized offer that resonates with them.

What about form builders that allow you to create beautiful forms that stand out?
Yes, there are several great form builder plugins and platforms. You can create beautiful forms and also connect it with your email platform but a static form is not going to help you increase your conversion rate!
A survey will help you collect useful data that in turn will help you improve your product / copy but what's in it for your audience? Why should they give you their email?

This is what makes a quiz funnel different from all other options! It'll allow you to switch your static content into fun, dynamic, interactive content and make it a win-win for both you and your audience!
I'm not saying replace your sales funnel with a quiz funnel.
Use both!
Use a quiz funnel to get to know your audience and send them to the right offer page or the right lead nurturing / follow-up sequence. And a sales funnel on your customized offer page where you already know your audience, their personality type, their needs and wants etc.
For e.g., if your prospect's main challenge is "no audience/list", a list building course or a 7 or 14-day list building challenge will result in a much higher take rate for that segment of your audience than a course on say social media marketing.
They'll instantly connect with an offer that speaks to their main pain point.

In a quiz funnel, you know who you are talking to and what their main challenges are. You can create customized offers for each segment of your audience taking into account their specific needs and interests.
You can create a follow-up sequence to build deeper connection and trust. You can add incentives and discounts to make it a no-brainer offer. Add social proof and case studies to make it a compelling offer.
And this is exactly the type of "smart" quiz and survey funnels you can build using SQB's unique visual funnel builder!
Watch this video to see how you can set it all up in a few simple, easy steps!
If you have questions about SQB or need ideas for a quiz or survey funnel for your business, you can post them in my Facebook Group or send me an email through the contact us form on our site.