The BEST Quiz Plugin Continues to get Better...
In the last couple of weeks, we've released several new features. Here's a quick summary of all the newly released features, and what's coming next!
New Features (now available for download)

As more and more people are using their mobile devices for everything, it's important to optimize content for mobile!
We've added a powerful, new mobile-view customizer in SQB! You can create 2 different looks - one for mobile and another for desktop users.
You are not going to find a mobile customizer as powerful as this in any other quiz plugin or platform!

SQB now supports category-level calculations.
You can create categories in SQB >> Settings page.
When you create your quiz, in the SQB >> Questions screen, you can assign each question to the right category.
As users take the quiz, SQB will calculate the total score in each category in addition to overall total. On the final outcome screen, you can display not just the overall points/score but also the total points in each category!
You can do this for assessments and scoring quizzes.
Here's how you can set this up.
-> Add new categories in SQB >> settings page.
-> Enable it in SQB Quiz >> Display Settings tab.
-> Add your questions to the right category (see image below).

-> In the final outcome screen, you can use tags to display the total score PLUS score in each category.

If you want to send users directly to the questions screen and skip the start button/screen, you can turn off start screen in the display settings tab.
You can do this for in-page quiz and also bottom corner popup quiz.

You can get SQB to display GDPR terms to users from GDPR countries.
First enable GDPR settings in SQB >> Settings page >> GDPR tab.
After you enable GDPR, you can add GDPR terms to your opt-in form in SQB >> Quiz >> Lead Generation screen. You can fully customize the terms. It'll only be displayed to users that are GDPR-eligible.
You can now clone your questions/outcomes in SQB!
It'll help save time as you can clone an existing question or outcome. You don't have to create it from scratch.

SQB now supports matrix-style questions for your surveys and quizzes!
You can also assign "points" to each matrix option and have SQB add up the points based on the answers that users pick and display an average (of points earned) in the outcome screen!
SQB already supports these question types - single choice, multiple choice, free text, yes/no, true/false, rating scale, slider, file upload, fill-in-the-blank and ranking/choice (re-order) questions.

Ranking question will allow your respondents to compare different answer choices and re-order them based on their preference. They can vote on their most favorite and least favorite choices.
While currently we don't have a report that will show you the average ranking of each option within the set but we are working on it. This report will show you the most favorite and least favorite choices.
It'll be available in a few weeks.
Coming soon...
We'll be adding several pre-built templates to SQB's template collection. You won't have to build a quiz or survey from scratch. You can pick an existing template and make the necessary updates to it. It'll be huge time saver! We'll release the first pre-built template on Monday (8/16).
SQB's numeric calculator will allow you collect data such as income, budget, and other qualifying questions from each lead. You can add formulas in SQB to do all kinds of complex math using that data. SQB will generate a personalized results page for each prospect based on their specific circumstances / answers.
And... you don't have to create a traditional lead magnet to get people to signup. The personalized result that SQB will help you generate will allow you to provide instant value to your prospects. Better than a long text-based, static lead magnet.
What's Next? (3-4 months)
Pabbly Connect
Digital Access Pass (DAP)
HTML-form based integration.
Webhook Notification
More integrations coming soon:
Encharge, Klaviyo, MailPoet, Sendfox, Fluent CRM, WP Fusion
And a LOT more...
Stay tuned!
Sales Funnel vs Quiz Funnel
A sales funnel is a static funnel!
All of your prospects are sent down the same path and see the same offer. You don't know who they are and what their specific challenges are. You can't take into account their responses to different questions and create a customized offer that resonates with them.
This is what makes a quiz funnel different from all other options! It'll allow you to switch your static content into fun, dynamic, interactive content and make it a win-win for both you and your audience! I just wrote about this in detail here.
Watch this step-by-step video on how to create a survey or quiz funnel using SQB!
Want to see a demo of a smart survey funnel created using SQB?
Check out this SMART survey created using SQB's funnel builder!
We'll also make this survey available as a pre-built template so you can simply copy this template and make updates to it instead of building one from scratch!
If you have questions about SQB or need ideas for a quiz or survey funnel for your business, you can post them in my Facebook Group or send me an email through the contact us form on our site.