July 30, 2020

Segment Prospects based on Outcome using a Quiz Funnel

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Capture Leads & Segment your Audience Using a Quiz Funnel

What is a Quiz Funnel?

A sales funnel is a series of steps you send your leads through to make a conversion, whether that means opting in to your email list or making a purchase. 

A quiz funnel will allow you to ask your prospects a series of questions to better understand their situation and pain points, before you ask them to opt-in. Use their answers to place them in the right segment. They need to opt-in to get the results of the quiz. Then you can send a series of follow up messages to nurture them towards the sale. 

A quiz funnel is the entry point to your sales funnel. You can segment prospects based on outcome and use a follow-up series to warm up your prospects before you send them through your sales funnel. 

A Quiz Funnel consists of these Key Elements:

  • Start screen (display quiz title, description, image)
  • Question/Answers
  • Lead Generation (display opt-in form)
  • Outcome/Result screen (or redirect them to a personalized outcome page)
  • Follow-up Email Sequence

Here is an example of a personalized outcome page. This is from Amy Porterfield's DCA Quiz. 

The questions you ask your potential customers should be designed to help you uncover their goals, aspirations, pain points, skill sets, a little bit about their personality, experience, and based on that information, you can make a smart customized offer that truly appeals to them and increases the chances of converting them into a buyer.

If you take a close look at your customer base and what you already know about your audience, you'll likely be able to come up with 3-5 different outcome types. You can segment your quiz takers into one of these based on their answers.

The good news is, you can easily build a quiz funnel like this using SmartQuizBuilder (SQB).

Let's say that you sell 3 different products/services:
1. Online Course
2. One-on-one coaching
3. Done-for-you service

Say your main goal is to identify the right product or service, based on the unique situation of each prospect, and make a personalized recommendation to them, explaining why you believe it's the best offer for them. 

You can create a quiz titled, "Wondering what's the right product for you? Take this quiz to find out.".

If you use SQB, here's how the quiz funnel will work in this situation:

  • Users click on the "take the quiz" button.
  • They answer a series of questions. Each question is designed to help you identify what product would the prospect benefit the most from, based on their unique situation. 
  • Each answer allows you to correlate to a specific outcome type. 
  • After they answer the last question, an opt-in form shows up. They need to opt-in to see the result. 
  • When they opt-in, they will be added to your email platform with the right outcome tags. The outcome tags will allow you to set up the right follow-up automations.
  • After they opt-in, they are sent to the outcome screen or redirected to an outcome page where you can add a video to describe their results in detail. 
  • If you have 3 possible outcomes, create 3 different outcome pages, each with a personalized video, to address the specific outcome and next steps. 
  • Setup 3 different follow-up sequences (based on outcome tags) so you can talk to each segment in a personalized way, based on their results.

The data that you collect from a quiz will allow you to segment prospects based on outcome, display a personalized offer that speaks to them and makes them feel understood. It'll also help you customize things like your sales copy, your video, your product, etc. 

Just incredibly powerful! 

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